How do I register for Artist Alley?
You can register online [ Download PDF ].
What are the setup and teardown times for Artist Alley?
Setup for artist booths is from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM on Jan11. Teardown must be completed by 7PM - 9PM on the final day of the convention (Jan 12).
What is included with an artist space?
Each artist space includes one table (6 ft), two chairs, and two days pass.
Can I sell fan art?
Yes, you can sell fan art as long as it is your own original work and does not violate any intellectual property laws.
What items are prohibited for sale?
The sale of counterfeit products, pirated materials, items involving AI-generated content, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, violence, politics, child pornography, and racial discrimination is strictly prohibited. Any consequences arising from the violation of these rules are the sole responsibility of the vendors. The organizer reserves the right to terminate cooperation with vendors and seek compensation for any adverse effects caused to the event. In severe cases, the organizer may report to the authorities.
This Q&A and policy section should provide clear and comprehensive information for exhibitors in all four categories at Anime Fiesta. If you have any further questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact us at